Qere and ketiv forms

Qere and ketiv forms for UXLC 2.2 (19 Oct 2024)

The Leningrad Codex (LC) contains errors, omissions and ambiguities as in any ancient, hand written document. What to do with these problems challenges each publisher of the text. For example, the LC-diplomatic Biblia Hebraica Leningradensia (BHL) of Aron Dotan (z-l) lists 779 specific places where the body text differs from the LC in Appendix A. Many other divergences from the LC in qere/ketiv forms are described in the Forward, p. xx, xxi. Similarly, the UXLC 2.1 text contains divergences from the LC in qere/ketiv forms because its source, WLC 4.20, was originally a transcription of the eclectic Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, BHS. The Unicode/XML Leningrad Codex (UXLC) intends to faithfully transcribe the LC text without editing. Consequently, the current changes are directed at improving the fidelity of the UXLC to the actual LC qere/ketiv forms; the number of changes is small and the changes will not cause difficulties for most readers. This effort was motivated by Ben Denckla's post "creating a pointed qere isn't always easy" (28 Feb 2024) to the bhebrew.biblicalhumanities.org list.

A source of the problem is the Masoretic representation of vowelized qeres. Because the qere markings are applied to the ketiv letters in the body text while the unmarked qere letters appear in the margins and the number ketiv and qere letters may differ, the placement of the marking on the qere letters may be ambiguous. In addition, the Masoretes were scrupulous with dageshes in the ketiv body text. For example, if a body text letter could not take a dagesh, they would not place a dagesh in the body text even when the corresponding letter in the qere can take a dagesh and needs it.

Two studies of qere/ketiv words noted in BHL and in WLC 4.20 are made here. The term unsupported indicates a mark in a qere is not actually present in the LC. Unsupported marks are added to qere forms by publishers to make the text conform to convention; they should not be present in the UXLC. A UXLC transcription note 'q' has been added for instances in which a UXLC qere word has been changed to match the LC rather than convention.

Clicking on a 'q' note in a text displays the conventional word in square brackets [] in the title of the detailed note. Five 'q' transcription notes were added from the BHL study; 30 were added from the WLC 4.20 study.

The bold numbers in open parentheses (n) indicate the change number n in each study in the 2024.10.19 - Changes.xml file.

These examples demonstrate that LC-diplomatic texts, such as the BHL and WLC 4.20, differ substantially from the LC in their qere/ketiv forms. Other differences between UXLC and LC qere/ketiv words remain to be discovered.

UXLC 2.1 has 305,492 unmarked words (words with w and k tags) with 1,278 qere words (words with q tags) representing 0.42% of the unmarked words. The total number of 'q' transcription notes added is 35; representing 3% of all qere words and 0.01% of all unmarked words. Thus the actual number of qere words in the UXLC corrected by these changes will be small.
  2 May 2024